Monday, July 14, 2014

Non-Stop - The Hijacking was just the beginning

12:52 AM

Non-Stop Review
Director: Jaume Collet-Serra
Scenario: John W. Richardson, Chris Roach
Starring: Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore, Scoot McNairy, Michelle Dockery, Nate Parker, Corey Stoll, Anson Mount, Lupita Nyong'o
Production: Silver Pictures / StudioCanal / York Studios

Non-stop is a film with the intention of depicts an ambiance with the intention of will by no means bring to a standstill. Equally if calculate were held currently seemed very long by all though is a fleeting drive. Non-stop show tells the story of terror via text message. Terror in the air in a smooth with the intention of was often a brilliant perception. However, in line with the strict surveillance by airports in the planet and the growing urbanity of equipment, surely need superfluous effort to get on to piracy story makes significance. Jaume Collet-Serra is furthermore an unknown film director and screenwriter John W. Richardson seems to aspire to get on to this piracy smarter by before a live audience a psychology of the foremost character, law letters, played by Liam Neeson, who was an alcoholic and his life falling apart due her daughter's death.

The story is non-stop airplane hijacking begins with a special phone which single the letters. Law letters is the single air marshal on the running away. Piracy begins by carriage a message to a mobile phone with threats letters will eradicate public each 20 minutes, apart from letters transferring money amounting to 150 million dollars to an tab. At initially, if we make a message like with the intention of, at that time we will leave it lonely. Why is with the intention of? How it is doable here is a message on the smooth? Special touchtone phone arrangement is not allowable to be used? This is everywhere the role psychological things.

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