Friday, July 11, 2014

Five things that you have to stay away from doping

7:00 PM

Doping is a process inserting chemical compound forcibly into human body, that is used to improve the performance of the human body that can work over-maximum. Doping is used to improve performance by using substances or methods prohibited in sport and is not associated with a medical indication.
If enforced, the use of doping can cause exhaustion that can harm health. Overdose can be dangerous, can cause agitation, delirium, hallucinations, malignant behavior, and also cardiac arrhythmias that can lead to serious problems.
Doping with blood injections can cause allergic reactions, increased blood circulation above normal, and renal impairment. Type of drug classes peptide hormones and analogues can make athletes suffer from headaches, depression, enlarged breasts in male athletes, and irritability.
Harmful effects erythropoietin injections of blood becomes more concentrated form so it is easy to agglomerate and increase the likelihood of stroke or rupture of blood vessels in the brain.
Use of analgesia in female athletes serve as menstrual pain relief. However, the impact if one chose the drug can lead to difficulty breathing, nausea, loss of concentration, and may cause addiction or addiction.
Steroids have harmful effects, both for male athletes and female athletes because they interfere with the body's hormonal balance and increase the risk of liver and heart disease. Especially for women, would lead to the growth of male characteristics, such as a mustache and a voice. then arises menstrual disorders, shrink the size of the breasts and increase aggressiveness.

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